
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Day of Testing

I can now say that I have a day under my belt with all the new gear. As you know from previous entries, recently I acquired a new Canon HDV camera. In the weeks following that acquisition, I have been getting the additional pieces and parts necessary to shoot some quality pieces in the future. Well, with the future coming this weekend, I only had this past weekend to get out and test the new gear.

Along with the gear getting tested, so did my patience :) On Saturday I decided to get out and and take the kids with me.....yes, all four of them. I figured there would be no better way, no more difficult a situation, than to wire your kids for sound (which they can definitely produce) and go look for some wildlife....hoping all the while that they wouldn't scare it all away :)

Well as the blessing of God would have it, we found a plethora of wildlife on the trail on this gorgeous day.

I have a short film here, but please understand this.....this is a straight forward kind of test film. I just wanted to get some footage with the new gear, check to see how the mics work, get an idea of the quality it would produce in fully automatic mode. This is a no frills, no color corrected, no special anything kind of piece. I also didn't add any background sound in order to allow the straight sounds of nature to shine through. So, what I am saying is that this isn't a piece to be judged by :) This is simply a piece of test footage that I am sharing with those interested. It was truly a great time on the trail with my kids! A day they will most definitely remember!

Until next time, good shooting....

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Flybum Media Productions

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