Man how time flies by when you aren't really paying that close of attention! Anybody else feel like the year 2010 is gonna be a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of life?
At any rate, a lot of things have been going on in recent weeks and months in my life and that of Flybum Media. As many know, at Flybum Media, we not only enjoy film and video, but we are fly fishing enthusiasts! So, in the last couple months, many trips have been made across the country. I have been blogging extensively over at my other blog located at Steelhead Alley Outfitters and have kind of forgotten that I had another. So, to catch up a bit, I thought I would share some of the recent flicks that we have produced from some of our trips. In the last month or two, I have been able to travel a bit....Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Haiti. Greg, my cohort in the fly fishing world has been in Wyoming, Montana, and New York. So, we have been busy.
Here are a couple of the recent shorts I have edited down in recent weeks following my western adventures. Enjoy and give me some feedback....
This first flick is a short piece highlighting a short day that we had on the the Henry's Fork in the area of Island Park, Idaho.
This second piece is a short that came about after a day of extreme fly fishing on the Teton River in Idaho. It was some amazing water with scenery that was stellar to say the least. It was awesome to experience and putting the film together was just as fun!
Hoping to get cranked up for this fall....some plans are in the works. With any luck, we will have some good stuff to share with you in the coming days.
Until next time,
Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Flybum Media Productions